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KAPIA is a comical adventure quest in “Bioshock” and “Fallout” type settings. In KAPIA you will solve the mystery of eccentric survivors, who are forced to live under a protective dome due to an ongoing war.

Dive into unique universe of KAPIA to help the leader of the underdogs decipher messages that could end the war. Speak to the peculiar dome inhabitants, join the investigation, discover clues and testimonies to uncover a violent tragedy, that divided the world.

We will set aside the confusing politics. Witty characters contrast the gloomy post-apocalyptic setting. Through conversations you will get to know eccentric and often hilarious dome citizens.

Everything about KAPIA is unique: characters, dialogues, environments, and of course, you- our audience. Spontaneous meetings and happenings give the illusion of an adventurous reality. Because in KAPIA, as in real life, the outcome is unpredictable.

We designed KAPIA to interest wide audience. In order to achieve that, we incorporated levels with “non-standard”, for an adventure quest, gameplay. Such as: shooting, horror and survival levels. These additions are implemented to attract larger audience, while “level format” will keep satisfied those, who favor “old-school” gameplay. The controls for the gamepad are developed and tested together with mouse/keyboard control combination, this approach will make gameplay feel natural for both PC and console users.

We plan to release KAPIA in three parts. Each part will take estimated two to two and a half hours of gameplay and will feature ten different locations. This format statistically has proven itself as the most beneficial in our genre.

PORT5, Haifa, Israel
Development Start Date
October , 2015
In development
Game engine
Target platforms
PC, Mac, Console
Demo Promo site

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